all press !!
e m w a p interview Ian Chronicle
2 April 2015 BANTMAG Copycats
5 March 2015 DANZON
11 March 2015
12 March 2015 NTV Curating Space
13 March 2015 BANTMAG Curating Space
17 March 2015 HABER TURK
19 March 2015 CUMHURIYET Zeynep Avci Ekran Resmi
20 March 2015 DAILY SABAH 2015
21 March 2015 DAILY SABAH interview Mesut Arslan
22 March 2015 DANZON Curating Space
22 March 2015 MIMESIS
25 March 2015 NTV Autonomous Scenography
31 March 2015 NTV Taldans
2 april 2015 MIMESIS Taldans
5 april 2015 DANZON BLOG Schrapnel: 32 moments of a massacre
DIREN SANAT Shrapnel: 32 moments of a massacre
17 march 2015 EKSISOZLUK
see poster >>
see brochure >>
Thanks to all partners, company's, crew, venue and public. It was a fantastic period with lots of good contacts and nice people !!
And special thanks to the European Culture programme!
Anders Lustgarten/Arcola Theatre...the last production in
this wonderful festival...@ Talimhane Tiyatrosu
Taldans just played their two performances at Moda Sahnesi, Copycat is preparing at D22
toi toi toi tonight!
Today's rehearsals at Moda Sahnesi..tonight first performance at 20u30.
The after talk welcomes following guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz, Gurur Ertem
Jan Maertens building up the lights for the performance of Taldans!
31 March and 1 April @ Moda Sahnesi - Istanbul WE NEED TO MOVE URGENTLY
meet again in a truck…back home transport..
Autonomous Scenography had a good performance and a nice after talk at Moda Sahnesi, Istanbul!
Building up...they worked until early in the morning!
Twice and nice...
This mornng Schwalbe arrived at Moda Sahnesi to build up "Schwalbe Cheats".
Performance and after talk (Guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz, Zeynep Günsür) toninght at 20.30 !! / / / / / / / / /
Todays newspaper Daily Sabah published an intervew with Mesut Arslan about
e m w a p FESTIVAL read more >
A successful first part of the e m w a p FESTIVAL…now breaking down…thanks everybody! thanks SALT!
For our next performance AUTONOMOUS SCENOGRAPHY...driving for hours, negotiating...and cutting!
Performances are followed by after talks by the artists and guestspeakers..
@ SALT Beyoglu
CURATING SPACE - 19 March at 19.00
Guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz, Deniz Gül
@ Moda Sahnesi
SCHWALBE CHEATS - 23 March at 21.30
Guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz, Zeynep Günsür
Guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz, Bengi Bugay
WE NEED TO MOVE URGENTLY - 1 April at 21.30
Guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz, Gurur Ertem
@ Tiyatro D22
HOLY HOLY HOLY - 3 April at 21.30
Guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz, Basak Özdogan
@ Talimhane Tiyatrosu
Guestspeakers: Ata Ünal, Berna Kurt, Elmas Deniz
@ SALT Beyoglu
CURATING SPACE - Erki De Vries, Pieter Huybrechts, Kris Delacourt - 17, 18, 19, 20 March - 10u00 -> 20u00
@ Moda Sahnesi
AUTONOMOUS SCENOGRAPHY - Meryem Bayram - 25 March 2015 - 20u30
WE NEED TO MOVE URGENTLY - Taldans - 31 March, 1 April 2015 - 20u30

WORKSHOP - Schwalbe is looking for crowds - 22 March 2015 - 16u00 until 18u30
HOLY HOLY HOLY - Copycats - 2, 3 April 2015 - 20u30

@ Talimhane Tiyatrosu
SHRAPNEL: 34 FRAGMENTS OF A MASSACRE - Anders Lustgarten/Arcola Theatre - 4, 5 April 2015 - 20u30

@ Mimar Sinan University
WORKSHOP - Schwalbe is looking for crowds - 20 March 2015 - 15u00 until 17u00
ACTION Schwalbe is looking for crowds - 24 March 2015 - 12u00

From 17 March until 5 April there is the e m w a p festival in Istanbul.
All the productions of this project in addition to debates and workshops will be presented in one Festival in Istanbul (TR), inviting art programmers from all over Europe as an opportunity to prospect the productions and to learn about European identity from the perspective of the Middle West Arts Project.
The Roboski massacre is one of the most controversial episodes in the ‘war on terror’. Piecing together the fragments of the tragedy, Anders Lustgarten’s startling new play dares to ask what a massacre is made of.
Shrapnel is a story of malicious commands and mournful commemorations; an urgent, powerful insight into the state of modern warfare.
"There is no such thing as a happy colonised people.
Never has been and never will be.
That is our basic delusion."
Writer Anders Lustgarten Directed by Mehmet Ergen Cast Aslam Percival Husain/Karina Fernandez/Josef Altin/Ryan Wichert/David Kirkbride/Tuncay Akpinar Designer Anthony Lamble Lighting Designer Richard Williamson Music and Sound Designer Neil McKeown
After residenties at wpZimmer and Het Bos arrived at the last venue before the première on 29 Januari 2015 at The Image Generator. A happening at the interface between performances and visual art (during the Antwerp Art Weekend). A project by Platform 0090, Extra City Kunsthal, Lokaal 01, Kunst/Werk
© Yarrut Franken
Performing at Voicing Resistance Festival, Berlin on 13 and 14th November 2014
We need to move urgently. The dance company Taldans was rehearsing a new piece when the Gezi protests erupted. Self-organization was suddenly practiced on the streets and a temporary, new social order emerged. The three performers collected objects of the resistance: diving goggles, lemons and milk. These served as the starting point for a collection of actions that recognize that we must urgently take action as a group, without drowning out any individual voice.
The Turkish dance company Taldans was founded in 2003 by Mustafa Kaplan and Filiz Sizanli. In the years since, the members of the company – originally trained as electrical engineers, architects and dancers – have developed several independent dance projects. Perceptions of science and memory play a central role in their performances.
© Dara Dolunay
...working on it...
The audience in an installation, on stage in what seems to be a workspace setting. Three performers make three worlds visible, boundaries touch (and) and merge in a fascinating journey. A photographer, a musician and a scenographer manipulate the surrounding space
© Valerie De Visscher
The Book Project - Erki de Vries/Pieter Huybrechts
Curating Space is sustained by the EMWAP project and funded by the European Culture programme
scenography : Erki de Vries - photography : Pieter Huybrechts - music : Kris Delacourt
A first impression of Istanbul...
© Pieter Huybrechts
The production of Erki De Vries/Pieter Huybrechts/Kris Delacourt will start with a short residency of the three artists in Istanbul in March to prepare their long term residency in May 2014.
© Pieter Huybrechts/Erki De Vries
"There is a beautiful mess outside, how can you stay in?" is written on a city wall. "We need free space not castle dreams" is written on another city wall. The process of the project was subjected to various conditions that affected the outcome of the work immensely. Initially it began by questioning the relation and responsibility of art and science in current society. Later the process was subjected to a strong social event that changed the course of the work. In retrospect, it was only one in a series of many deep social –and artistic - upheavals in the last years, from New York over Brazil or Lisbon to Istanbul. They gave rise to thousands of spontaneous ideas and initiatives. For instance such events gave birth to a temporary social order that organized itself. Social cybernetics in the making. (
Taldans, also supported by the international EMWAP network, is doing its last residency in Potsdam where it will première the production 11 and 12 January 2014 during the Potsdamfestival in Fabrik - Potsdam, Germany. (
reflection by Carolina Maciel de França, august 2013
It was too rainy a morning to be a start of such a promising project. As the four partners in The European Middle West Arts Project (EMWAP) gathered for their first kick-off meeting, Antwerp refused to show what a sunny city she had been. Sometimes. But here we were, with Productiehuis Rotterdam (The Netherlands),
Arcola Theatre (UK), Talimhane Tiyatrosu (Turkey), Platform 0090 (Belgium), me, and a never ending stream of grey moist outside.
After four short introductions things got very practical. EMWAP includes each partner bringing forward a production that will tour to one, two or three of the other partner countries. Platform 0090 will coordinate and add to the dynamics by suggesting foreign residencies, foreign artists or foreign venues.
The project culmination would be the 2015 International Festival in Istanbul, that will combine all partners and productions and include a seminar to present the results of the process.
Regarding the Middle West-philosophy, if you’d ask me what that is to me right now and I could point to you a picture of that meeting, I would simply say it was that. It is to orchestrate interactions between artists and producers from several European countries. To stage synergies, to coordinate moments of mutual artistic influence, to take people out of their comfort zone to see what happens when you put them in another setting. I could also say this project is here to actively obstruct any idea of a supposedly dormant/static/quiescent European contemporary art scene. Pick one.
As we went through the practicalities, the time tables, artistic choices, production schemes and timing, common grounds were found in humour and international politics. Please note that language was never a subject, let alone an obstacle. Here’s how you win me over. Or at least here’s how you really cross borders. Just as we silently agreed not to complain about the weather, there was the silent agreement just to talk art. Oscar Wilde once said that conversation about the weather was the last refuge of the unimaginative. So yes, no matter the weather. This project’s future seems to be quite bright.